Task Management & Routing

Astreon Dispatch

A task assignment and delivery optimization service that creates routes & order of service, helps you plan your day with proof of delivery, proof of service completion, and driver management tools.
delivery management - logistics

Dispatch & Routing Solution

Providing your business with an automated tool to streamline operations.  Services include: Scheduling, Route Optimization, Delivery & Task Assignment, Driver Mobile App, 2 Way Chat, Proof of Delivery, Client Notifications and so much more.

Astreon Dispatch includes a web-version for dispatchers and a mobile application for drivers. Web-version ensures efficiency and times savings for planning and order assignment including order placement, planning and distribution, Google Maps-based routing, delivery process monitoring, and real time updates.

Astreon Dispatch mobile app is designed for field workers and delivery personnel alike.

Why Astreon Dispatch?

Drives efficiency and time savings

Unified solution for dispatchers and couriers

User-friendly interface

Flexible notification settings

Automation with planning & routing

API for integration with your back end

Dispatch Simplified


Add deliveries or stops


Generate routes & assign to vehicles


Monitor progress


Generate reports

Astreon Dispatch Web-Version



Create or import orders with a detailed description.

Route Planning

Select jobs and vehicles and get preliminary routes with info on the estimated arrival time and mileage. Use Google Geodata for accurate address info and routing.

Process Monitoring

Track progress in real-time mode and respond to new issues through phone calls with the client via chat with the driver.


Reports and Notifications

Get analytics from reports and keep clients informed by e-mail or SMS customizable notifications.

Orders - logistics
<br />
Delivery route planning - logistics
Delivery process monitoring - logistics
Reports and notifications - logistics


Create or import orders with a detailed description.

Route Planning

Select jobs and vehicles and get preliminary routes with info on the estimated arrival time and mileage. Use Google Geodata for accurate address info and routing.

Orders - logistics
Delivery route planning - logistics
Delivery process monitoring - logistics
Reports and notifications - logistics

Process Monitoring

Track progress in real-time mode and respond to new issues through phone calls with the client via chat with the driver.


Reports and Notifications

Get analytics from reports and keep clients informed by e-mail or SMS customizable notifications.

Astreon Dispatch Mobile


Live status updates w client facing tools

Email your customer when the driver is nearby.  Call clients directly from the app

Automate Routing & Order Distribution

Routing tools directly in the app to ensure route adherence and save time


Detailed description on orders

Address, volume and weight, price, delivery time & location, etc

Logistics mobile
logistics - Your route is always at hand
Logistics - Detailed description on orders
Logistics - Comments and photos
Logistics - Chatting with the dispatcher

Proof of Delivery w Comments

Signature Capture, add comments and take photos for the back office


Built-in communications

Chat with dispatchers, send and receive documents and photos

Astreon Dispatch Benefits

Process Automation

Reduce errors with dispatchers, couriers, and other staff with automated order distribution, route optimization, notifications, and more.

Optimize Processes

Better management tools for your delivery service. Take action in real time and control your operations.

Saving Time and Money

Allocate fleet resources efficiently and deliver orders faster.

Reduction of Fuel Costs

Save fuel by providing couriers with the most best routes.

Improve Customer Service

Deliver orders on time; advanced notifications of delivery time; see in real-time the courier’s location.

Useful Links on Astreon Dispatch

Delivery management Resources

Biden Proposed Tighter Truck Emission Regulations

Biden Proposed Tighter Truck Emission Regulations

The Biden administration has ordered federal agencies to develop tighter fuel efficiency, greenhouse gas, and oxides of nitrogen emissions standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks last week. The fuel economy and emissions requirements proposed by the Environmental...

read more

Reach Us

For more detailed information we encourage you to engage with us directly. To learn more about our applications and services, get a trial version or request a price quote, please contact us by filling out the form provided below. Our experts will get back to you within one business day. 

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