A new solution for public transportation GPS tracking


NimBus is a solution for public transport management that comprises the core functionality of satellite tracking software and route management.
nimbus public transportation management

Transportation Solution

NimBus comprises the core functionality of satellite tracking software and specialized tools designed for route management. Use the service to create stops, optimize routes, distribute vehicles across routes, manage schedules, and track route performance in real-time.

NimBus features intuitive navigation, a user-friendly interface, a handy timeline and event-based notifications for online tracking, a special ACL system, and the proprietary API for third-party software integration and custom developments.

Why Ninbus?

A specialized Astreon-based solution

Integration with other systems via API

A dashboard with summarized information on the fleet

A user-friendly interface

“Locator” tool for informing passengers

Report-based analysis of fleet operations

How NimBus Public Transport Management Software Works


Add or import stops.


Create routes and add schedules.


Assign units to rides.


Track units in real time.


Generate detailed reports.

Nimbus Functionality


Handling stops

Create and import stops distinguished by a vehicle type; make use of quick search and detailed description.

Route management

Generate routes with precise schedules, individual operating patterns, and bound units.


Plan rides based on active routes with schedules and operating patterns.

Online Tracking

Employ handy timeline, quick notifications, and multiple mapping options to control late/early arrivals and deviations from routes.

Handling stops - nimbus
Route management - nimbus
Rides - nimbus
online tracking - nimbus

Handling stops

Create and import stops distinguished by a vehicle type; make use of quick search and detailed description.

Route management

Generate routes with precise schedules, individual operating patterns and bound units.

Handling stops - nimbus
Route management - nimbus
Rides - nimbus
online tracking - nimbus


Plan rides based on active routes with schedules and operating patterns.

Online Tracking

Employ a handy timeline, quick notifications, and multiple mapping options to control late/early arrivals and deviations from routes.

bus driver tablet - nimbus

Nimbus Benefits

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Improve planning accuracy, driver discipline and passenger transportation quality.

Reduce Operational Costs

Cut mileage, and fuel & maintenance expenses by eliminating unauthorized trips and minimizing idle time.

Manage All Fleets on One Unified Platform

Create an effective dispatch center for comprehensive control. Replace vehicles on the already started rides in case of breakdowns.

React in Time

Monitor the vehicle location in real-time and ensure schedule compliance, proper vehicle distribution, and reliability of services.

Useful Links on Nimbus

Public Transport Management Resources

Ways School Bus transit can benefit from GPS Tracking

Ways School Bus transit can benefit from GPS Tracking

Innovations in telematics and technology are continuously shaping the world for the better. There is nothing you cannot track and monitor from your mobile phone. Using GPS Tracking becomes a standard in private fleets. A school bus is one of the vehicles that benefit...

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